E. Alex Pierce’s Bio

E. ALEX PIERCE has a diverse background in voice and theatre, and in almost every sphere of interdisciplinary artistic collaboration. Pierce has been published in several journals, and her poems have also been anthologized in Words Out There: Women Writers in Atlantic Canada (Roseway, 1999) and Best Canadian Poetry (Tightrope, 2008), and in the forthcoming Undercurrents: New Voices in Canadian Poetry (Cormorant). A phenomenal, incantatory reader, Pierce has been polishing her first collection for years. Bolster worked closely with the “‘good egg’ who is E. Alex Pierce” (in Bolster’s words) when Pierce was finishing the long-awaited Vox Humana (Brick, 2011).

To listen to E. Alex Pierce part 1 click here
To listen to E. Alex Pierce part 2 click here