Seniors and Retirement

From October 1, 2019 to March 31, 2027, we are offering FREE English-language information sessions on personal finances and estate planning. This is possible thanks to Canadian Heritage program funding.

Using a variety of formats — online and in-person interactive seminars, hands-on workshops, and lectures with discussion — we present information on budgeting, saving, investing and estate planning.

A hallmark of our financial literacy programming is brand neutrality.

For more information, please email Executive Director Lynn Verge:

ONLINE Information Sessions — Live with Discussion

WEDNESDAY, July 10, 2024 — 2:00 to 3:30 pm
Financial educator Lynn Bennett leads an interactive session on tips and tricks for budgeting and saving.
To REGISTER and get the Zoom link:

WEDNESDAY, July 24, 2024 — 2:00 to 3:30 pm
A representative of The Depot Community Food Centre conducts an interactive information session about healthy eating on a budget, especially for people dining solo or with one other person. They will invite attendees to share tips for planning, shopping and meal preparation.
To REGISTER and get the Zoom link:

WEDNESDAY, August 7, 2024 — 2:00 to 3:30 pm
Nilaksha Wijayaratnam, Citizen Services Specialist, Service Canada, conducts an information session on Old Age Security (OAS), Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS), the new Canadian Dental Care Plan and the My Service Canada Account. She will also discuss fraud prevention. Q&A.
To REGISTER and get the Zoom link:


PERSONAL FINANCES in Times of Crisis
Video (20 minutes) with Michel Gariépy, analyst with Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF). He gives tips for saving money and shares the AMF Budget Sheet and Balance Sheet forms.

TFSA (Tax Free Savings Account) Vs. RRSP (Registered Retirement Savings Plan)
Video (21 minutes) with Certified Financial Planner Lynn Bennett.

RRIF (Registered Retirement Income Fund)
Video (29 minutes) with Certified Financial Planner Lynn Bennett.

Video (25 minutes) with Michel Gariépy, analyst with Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF): COVID-19: Watch Out for Financial Fraud!

Video (50 minutes) with registered dietician Jaimie Yue.

BUDGETING BASICS 2: Protect Your Money and Online Resources
Video (35 minutes) with computer instructor Liz Perrin. She discusses online consumer resources and gives pointers for guarding against scams and fraud.

Video (33 minutes) with instructor Liz Perrin on the importance of a budget, even in difficult times, and the three steps to creating one: planning, making and reviewing. Examples of free online budgeting tools are included.

Video (25 minutes) with Ann Soden, Ad. E., Elder Law Lawyer and mediator, and Anna Kamateros, notary, in conversation with our Financial Literacy Program Coordinator, Natalie Domingue. Includes information on how people can write their own “holograph will” while physically isolating, with pointers for minimizing the risk of challenges after death.

Éducaloi’s detailed guide on Wills.

Slideshow by Certified Financial Planner Lynn Bennett with helpful info, especially for seniors, for filing your income tax return by the April 30th deadline. Changes since last year and new COVID-19 benefits are highlighted.

Video (41 minutes) with Certified Financial Planner Lynn Bennett.

Video (21 minutes) with computer instructor Liz Perrin giving helpful step-by-step guidance for FILING YOUR INCOME TAX RETURN ONLINE with

Free Literature

We have a public display of free English-language literature by Éducaloi and Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF) on our main floor, just inside the Computer Centre. Included are booklets on financial and estate planning.

Financial and Estate Planning Booklets

Past Offerings

From 2013 to March 2017, we offered free sessions on financial literacy for people planning for retirement and seniors with funding from the Education and Good Governance Fund of Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF). This was preceded by a successful pilot project funded by Canadian Heritage. In 2016, Capital One made a donation.

From January to September 2019, we conducted free sessions for seniors with project funding from the Lindsay Memorial Foundation.

Click here to see the list of Past 2024 offerings.
Click here to see the list of 2023 offerings.
Click here to see the list of 2022 offerings.
Click here to see the list of 2021 offerings.
Click here to see the list of 2020 offerings.
Click here to see the list of 2019 offerings.
Click here to see the list of 2017 offerings.
Click here to see the list of 2016 offerings.
Click here to see the list of 2015 offerings.
Click here to see the list of 2014 offerings.
Click here to see the list of 2013 offerings.