2019 Benefit Cocktail Party

Our Annual Benefit Cocktail Party is set for Wednesday, November 6 in our own building. The gala evening will feature live music by the Dave Turner Jazz Trio, a sensational silent auction, tasty hors d’oeuvres and smoked meat, wine and beer. We’re seeking business sponsorships and inviting silent auction donations.

Tickets priced at $150 ($125 tax receipt) are now available online from CanadaHelps by clicking here and following the instructions. They are also available at the Library. For tickets and information, please contact Tanya Mayhew at tmayhew@atwaterlibrary.ca.

Our Guest of Honour this year is Paul K. Marchand, a leader in the life insurance business who has contributed generously to our organization for many years. We are touched to know that part of the reason he supports us is that his father, as a young engineer and immigrant from England, used the Atwater Library regularly to read and study.